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Monday, December 28, 2009

NOT FRESH: ABC's Why Are 42% Of Black Women Not Married

I just want to say from just watching this video WTF!!!!! Where are the guys in these women’s community? I mean “Jakene” call me I will show you what a real man is the woman is BAD!!!!!!!!!! Not to take anything away from the rest of them because they all were beautiful successful BLACK women “THAT’S FRESH.”

Fresh Face Radio we will definitely have to cover this on the show this week. But I would just like to say Steve Harvey made a great point when he said:

“Men my age made a mistake, we didn’t teach the generation behind us the principals of man hood.”

But his advice after that was a crock of SHIT!!!!! Go for the older man, aren’t these women middle aged women? Doesn’t that mean they have been going after the older man and it hasn’t worked???

(Don’t Worry I’ll Wait)

If I’m not mistaken Steve Harvey was in the news a while back and his ex-wife or wife talked about how he was beating her. So do you really want to go after the older man? Let alone take advice from him? To my knowledge this is the same thing we are shutting Chris Brown down for at this very moment. To top that off you can’t expect them to help your sons to be become a man because he just said that they don’t teach the generation behind them the principals of man hood. “Just something to think about.”

But as a young black man I do agree the generation before us left us hanging on how to be a man. Women think that they are the only ones that lost out on this but it’s not just you ladies. A lot of my friends growing up would always say “man I wish my dad was around like yours.” From the outside looking in it looks nice because there is a woman and a man raising their children. But that doesn’t make it right it takes a REAL MAN to be a father and the guys that didn’t have fathers or had them but didn’t teach them nothing will tell you that. We are out here trying to teach our selves how to be a man. Wondering how the HELL Bill Cosby’s family was so successful.

The thing to do now is for these guys that have the knowledge to step up to the plate and teach some of these young black men how to be a man. The blind cant lead the blind, so if they think we are bad just think about the generation after us… I don’t even want to think of what the percentage will be...

Please Comment On This And Let Us Know What You Think.


Anonymous said...

WOW this is really deep never thought about this from a young mans perspective.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I'm almost 25 and I'm already tired of listening to women and men talk about whose fault it is that there are less black marriages. Women should look at themselves first because some of us are the ones who allow men to dog us out, move in and have their children before our weddings and committments, and just automatically assume we're going to be treated right without having any type of standards. Then some women just aren't going to settle for a man who isn't fully and faithfully committed. Men need to look at themselves and stop blaming having missing fathers, or the white man, or sexual weaknesses and everything else and just make the decision to stop being selfish and invest themselves in the relationship. Stop making excuses for your faults and try to improve them instead. Men and women both should know right from wrong and make the best decision of character for what benefits THE COUPLE. Some men get dogged too, and maybe they are tired of women who just try use them for Captain Save-a-Ho. The responsibility for a quality black marriage lies in each INDIVIDUAL.

Miss.Stefanie said...

I think its a bunch of bull that it's always "Why black women aren't married"..It's EVERY race. From the white woman, to the Indian woman, to the Chinese woman, and to the Latinas. I am a Latina who is NOT married. Not that I wanna be NOT married, because I refuse to settle for someone who is half assed or doesn't even recognize what a beautiful, smart, funny, kind, caring and lovable woman I am. It's not just black women...As women, as humans no matter what race we need to have standards. We need to have some kind of boundaries. Not married? Its not easy no matter what race.

Unknown said...

Statistics can be scary... The scary part is that there is such a large gap in the proportion of men to women. When they were breaking down the stats on "eligible" men another thought popped into my head... If you broke it down even further to men that were homosexual the "eligibilty" percentage would be even lower... But I try not to think of these things, there are other options other than black men and I trust that when it comes time for me to be married God will bring whoever he is to my attention lol

SHENÉ said...

WOW! This just scared the crap out of me...the statistics are crazy. However we touched base on this very topic on BLAKstar ( DON'T JUDGE ME! One aspect of our black "independent" women is that they don't let MEN be the MAN!!! It is important that a man feel appreciated and wanted. However I feel it's important to have standards but the focus needs to be genuine. And as a black women I like to also add that men not all men aren't really wanting an exclusive relationship that concludes with marriage. That's not in the cards anymore for many of them.

Man I'm about to sad

Unknown said...

This whole thing is a little depressing. I am not sure if it is JUST a problem in the black race, but from what I see, there are many of us out here that are having a hard time just finding a quality man to DATE, let alone marry. THEN you have the scenario such as this.. say you find a man and he seems to be the one... (i said seems), he gets the whole cow, milk and all because you want to express how you feel about him, and he does the same for you...BUT, you still dont get married because then it becomes why get married? Its just a piece of paper..let's just stay the way we are, its great, dont mess it up with a piee of paper???!!! SO, then you shut it down because now, its just not the same anymore. You want to be married and he doesnt, he just wants to play house and not be in a real committed relationship/marriage for some reason. HE then moves on to someone else that will treat him the same way you did and continue to live the single but in a relationship life... while you lick yor wounds and attempt to try it again, and again and again until you give up...a vicious circle for both sides.


