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Thursday, May 6, 2010
Now Thats FRESH: You Never Forget Your First
I'd never done this before, but then again neither had he. We were both virgins; pure to the experience. But when I walked in and laid eyes on him, somehow I knew that even though we'd both never been to this place before, everything was going to be ok. After 10 minutes of contemplation, finally making a decision, it had arrived. We took our first bites, and the Chili Dog was so delicious that we had no regrets... for the moment at least. ;)

Since you never forget your first, I was happy to be sharing my first dining experience at Dirty Frank's with last nights feature guest on Fresh Face Radio, Searius Add. Searius Add is one of the most unique Ohio based rappers, one of the reasons being that he is also a poet. If you read my last blog on J.G. the Jugganaut, you already know how astonishing, creative, and powerful a spoken word artist can be, yet Searius Add is all those things and plus some.
Where did the name Searius Add Come from? Culturally, my name is "Searius Addishin Allah". In my culture a name prescribes the traits and qualities the person looks to add-on to society. Furthermore, the numbers 1-9 and 0 and the letters A-Z represent corresponding principles (eg. Q is Queen, T is Truth/Square etc):
The (S)upreme (E)quality in which
(I) (U)se to
(S)harpen Others---> through being the example of the change I seek to see in the world.
(I)gnorance and
(H)ate (IN) all ciphers----> through being an example of the reciprocal- knowledge and love.
The combination makes me an "example of Allahs (Gods) brilliance.
After Id taken all of that in, feeling like my name was meaningless; I was in disbelief that someone could put so much thought into a name. I was even more shocked to know that this was his legal name, and he proved it by showing me his driver’s license; Searius Add was full time.
You were born and raised in, just like myself. What made you move here: Toledo Ohio
I came here in 1999 to go towhere I ran track, I seen how many more opportunities there were in Ohio State University , and I just stayed. Columbus
You also performed a lot of spoken word in college. What are the differences between spoken word and rapping:
I feel that spoken word actually makes my rapping more relevant people take it more serious and there’s a lot less politics. Spoken word is like my lifeline
Forever Searius Add
(spoken word)
So many ask why I do rap and spoken word?
I do spoken word so that I’m not viewed as a token bird
Or as a cat or acts rambunctious on tracks
But really is a joke with words.
How long have you been performing;
I started in the 6th grade. I did a talent show where I rapped with one of my teachers who played the drums, against another well known artist who is also from, Ty Wills. Even though Ty won the contest, I won the crowd. Toledo
Searius has definitely come a long way since the 6th grade. His innovative performance style has gotten him compared to music legends like Andre3000 and Common, a mixtape release titled Hard Math with well known DJ Mick Boogie, and also nominated for four Ohio Hip Hop Awards.
How would your number one fan describe Searius Add:
Definitely conscious, lyrical, centered toward woman, with high energy.
Besides your high energy and prolific flow, what makes your show different from other artists:
My fans can tell I put my all into it, they can tell I care. I also do a segment where I take 5 random words from people in the audience and do a freestyle-like spoken word joint using the 5 words. They love it!
It’s rare for anyone to do any type of free styling live these days, so when an artist like Searius Add does, it simply exudes tremendous talent. With dedication like his, I wasn’t too surprised to hear that he spent most of his weekends in the studio until concocting timeless hits like his latest release Black Tuesday.
Black Tuesday is a collab with’ own artist Sinatra. For the readers who don’t know, Sinatra’s music is slightly a different genre then Searius Add containing a little more street edge. How do you make the collaborations work despite the differences: Columbus
Sinatra is like my brother. We met in 2007 and have been rolling together ever since. We have the same passion, just different voices. That’s how we make it work to create good music.
Besides Sinatra, if you could collab with any other artist who would it be:
Definitely Andre 3000. He is one of my top musical inspirations.
Lyrics From Lost My Mind, on Black Tuesday
But its hard when u feel u the realest rhyming
And regardless to the grind u put in u still not shinin
the mass validates ya credit
Even if u hot forget it, props u still won't get it, if the critics don't cosign it
Leaving Dirty Franks, we walked for what seemed to be like 15 blocks down to Searius Add’s office in The Creative Place.
Creative Place is a hub consisting of local entrepreneurs such as our close friends Fly Paper, Radiance PR who you may know as representatives for previous blogged about musician Josceola, and many others. Not only is Searius Add a musician but he’s also a business-man. I co-manage The Creative Place while also running Nine Tenths Media Group which focuses on entertainment, multi-media, graphic design, and promotion. We’re also working on Creative Prints, which specializes in wholesale printing things like business cards, fliers, and brochures.
So with music and business, when do you have time for pleasure:
If it’s the right “type” of pleasuremake time for it ;-). But mostly I’m in the studio or spending time with my 2 children. I'll
How do you balance being a father, musician, and businessman:
Its difficult, but it takes time management. I have a direct and open line with my little people. My daughter (8) emails me everyday, and my son (3) has me on speed dial.
The genuine look on his face as he described his children made him seem even more relate-able, thorough, and devout. He is one of the most phenomenal musicians to be looking out for in 2010, not that you could miss him, with mile long dreads that he’s been growing since 1998 and a swagger you can see from outer-space.
Where can we catch your next performance:
May 25th at Skullys for the Black Tuesday Release Party and Tour kick Off. Don’t miss it, it’s gonna be magical!
If you want people to know one last thing about you, what is it:
I’m not that “serious” ;-)
As both of our stomaches started rumbling so loud it sounded like a marching band entered the office due to the first- and last Dirty Franks chili dogs we'd ever eat, I had one last question-
Define Fresh:
Unique but as it relates to YOUR demeanor, not anyone else's.
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DOPE interview! Searius Add! Keep reppin homie! Yaaaappp!
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