On average the human body can go 8 to 10 days with no water before dying. Well today, January 20th, marks day 8. Countless are the number of people who survived the earthquake and aftershocks, only to await death because they have no water to drink. On this the eighth day, Haiti has been rocked once again. This time 6.1 aftershock! After January 12, 2010 who would have foreseen more tragedy? At more than 200,000 dead, the quake death tolls are higher than the 2005 Tsunami that hit Indonesia, this impoverished country can take no more! I simply can't sit around and watch, if able I would go to Haiti myself! We must help them. No one deserves to watch their city crumble with their friends, family, neighbors under the rubble. I am auctioning off a pair of custom sneakers via Ebay to raise funds to send to Haiti. Reading the news has stirred in me the need to reach out and help this country. Please follow the link to help me raise money to aid the people of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti so that they may one day go about their lives.
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