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Will You Join Me: So DebNAir

Good evening my freshness,
This morning and yesterday has been so much incite for me. I really figured out that I am @ a fork in the road in my life right now. Actually I am @ a 4 way stop and I am tryin 2 figure out which road 2 go down. There is just one thing that is in the way. There is a rock blockin the road there is 3 different personalities in the car and we are tryin 2 figure out how 2 either move the rock, get out the car and walk around the rock, or wait for somebody 2 move the rock. Well I can tell you know, I have already sat @ a rock and waited for somebody to move that rock. I ended up going back home cause nobody ever came. So now there leaves us walkin or movin the rock.
Well if we walk, yeah the journey will be long and hard. But the lessons we'll be well worth it, the problem is there will be a lot of bullshitting, and procrastination along the way. People will keep giving up and we will loose time tryin to re-motivate them 2 continue to walk. Then by the end we will grow tierd and weak.
If we move the rock we will be forced as a team to come together and move the rock which will build strength, character, we would learn each others weakness. There for we would know who needs 2 push where on this rock 2 make it move. This would make us stronger as a team once we meet the goal because we know each others weakness and strenghts. So we would be unstoppable.
Which path will be taken I can't tell u for all 3 of the people but I will be waitng for my friends, my busines partners, MY BROTHERS by the rock. The question is will you join me?
I Am So Fresh, Fresh Is So Me
So DebNAir
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Young nes 10.25

What's the deal with all these rappers talkin bout swag swag swag. You niggas is corny cuz half the niggas talkin like that don't even have swag. Look in my opinion swag is a state of mind. Not the way you dress or what you drive. Your swagger contains confidence and finesse. Stop swaggin so much cuz you could swag yourself out the game
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Young Nes 4.14 p.m.
...just a lil page out of's notebook

I know it’s been a while since I’ve let you all in the world of Bblack. Since the last time I blogged so much has happened; a few great shows discovering the REAL roles of each part of FRESH FACE ENT. (i.e. TV, radio, promoting and marketing, enduring hardships (GIGANNTIC to miniscule) from family, females, friends and enemies... learning to separate business, pleasure and personal problems and agendas. I guess you can say THE MAN YOU SEE EVERYWHERE (free promo lol) has been going through it. But motto is "never let them see you sweat." So you already know what I'm in... ALWAYS OVERCOME. I feel I have to let all of you in because you more than just fans, friends, and supporters to me you are like my family. Without you yall, my support system) there is no me. But the show must go on. Through all theses things, I can't complain. ENOUGH OF THIS SAPPY-ish...
I have been on the road this month putting in overtime... LOOK OUT TOM JOYNER!!! I MAYBE THE HARDEST WORKIN MAN IN RADIO... @ least I'm trying to get there. Sometimes I feel I need a reality show or a soundtrack to my life (lmao)
Well I guess that's all for now. Whatever you do make sure it’s FRESH... live with no regrets. As I digress "its tyme for something FRESH."
I Just Wanna Be Successful: So DebNAir

Aaww yeah Trey I fuckin feel ya, they be starin at tha money like its unfamiliar, I did it I live it to me there's nothin realla, just enought to solve ya problems to much will kill ya lol
Wudup yaw,
If u didn't know what I was talkin about @ the top refur to Drake - Successful. Aight so first off I just want to let who ever reads these blogs "SSC" lol I will be blogging a lot more. I finally got my G1 back from T-Mobile and it feels great. I am on my way to work now and I got a couple of words from a wise man that have been stuck in my head. He told me work smart, not hard. I have been workin hard and smart but I never thought not 2 do both. As long as I can keep Fresh Face or WeRAMovement in somebodys mouth I am doing my part. Last night I had KIKI from VH1's "Real Chance of Love" talk about the show. Its really that easy, she was real cool and down to earth. I figured out I spend @ least 15 hours out of each of my days promoting for us and this show. Its all about interacting with people, everybody wants to know how they can get in this entertainment business. By the time I retire I will be able 2 write a book that's how hard I am going right now. To me success is all in the person that is tryin to obtain it, u can be lazy, u can be stressed out about it, or you can rise to the occasion and bet that mutha fucka like it stole something from you lol, I'm feelin it right now. By the time this blog get big this will be way @ the bottom. But I just want it to be known right now this ship that we are sailing called Fresh Face is gonna land and be discovered. And once it does we kickin mutha fuckas off the land Ha!!!!!!! NOW ITS TYME FOR SOMETHING FRESH.
I Am So Fresh, Fresh Is So Me
So DebNAir
Thursday, July 16, 2009
9.43 p.m. Young Nes

Why the fuck is music so wack right now?! No, i'm seriously sick of this shit man. "Kiss Me Through the Phone" is getting more spins than 50 Cent's "Ok, You're Right". What the hell is that shit about? Yo, if your radio station is spinning all the wack shit, and leavin the real out, boycott they ass!!!! And listen to fresh face radio lol....
Good Evening With: So DebNAir

Whats Up,
I Know, I Know Its Been A Long Time Since I have Blogged But Alot Has Been Going On. So I Made A Big No, No And Made A Bad Impression With My Team I Guess Its Just One Of Those Things That Just Have To Happen. I Would Rather Do It In The Beginning Than Do It Once We Made It. BUT..... I Am Back On Track And It Feels Good. My Question Is 2 AnyBody That Reads This, What Do You Do When U Feel Like U Are @ The Lowest Point In You Life. I Mean Of Coarse Its Gonna Get Better, But How Do U Tell Somebody Who Feels Like That, That Its Gonna Get Better? As A Business Partner How Do u Separate The Business From The Friendship WithOut Wrecking The Business And Friendship. So Many People Will Give You Advise But NoBodys Ever Really Adds Up To Match The Other Opinions. I Like To Stay True To My Self And The God That I Serve, As Well As The People That I Surround My Self With. I Know He Is Taking Me Through This Journey For A Reason. I Am Learning Alot, I Am Seeing, And Hearing Alot. But Its Teaching Me To Stay Straight And Look Forward, And Hear Nothing But Success. *Singing* "I Just Wanna Be, I Just Wanna Be Successful" I Wont Settle For Anything Else. SomeBody Told Me The Other Day Dude You Are So Fuckin Talented, I Wish i Was Like You. I Thought To My Self If You Wish You Where Like Me Then Get Like Me. All It Takes Is Hard Work, I Mean I Get Up In The Morning And I Am Workin And I Work Until The Time I lay My Head Down To Go To Sleep. I Really Wanna Be A Better Business Man Than Diddy, I Know I Can Do It. You Are As Strong As Your Team, I Really Believe That. My Team Is Strong As FUCK And I Say That With Caps Cause We Really Are. We Have Every Aspect You Could Imajine As For, Video, Radio, Promotion, Ladies Man, Business Man, Street Smarts, You Name It We Got It. But On That What Is The Big Picture? Where Will We End Up? Where Will I End Up? Will This Last? Will It Not? Those Are Questions You/I Can Ask Your Self Or You Can Answer Them Before You/I Have To Deal With Them. I Can Tell You Right Now My Big Picture Is To Have A Office In Every Major City, With My Face On Billboards, TV, Voice On Radio, Internet, As The Man Who Is Doing The Damn Thang. I Will End Up A Humble Man With A Great Family, And My Family Will Never Need For AnyThing. Hell Yeah This Will Last, You Cant Break Something Thats Already Been Done. Refer Back To The Last Answer For This Not. Well I Think I Have Taken Up Enough Of Yaws Time So Im Out. And I Can Honestly End This Blog With ITS TYME FOR SOMETHING FRESH..........
I Am So Fresh, Fresh Is So Me
So DebNAir
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Late Nights With So DebNAir
LOL So I Am Sitting Here Listening To Todays Radio Show. PURE COMEDY, I Never Knew We Where Even This Funny. Out Of All The Unorganized Shit That Happened Today We Still Managed To Have A Good Show. NeWord Is CLEARLY Off His Fuckin Rocker 2 Say That VOCALLY!!!!!!!!!! Aaliyah Can SING Better Than Beyonce, Aint No Way In Hell. Grim Face THAT NIGGA Right There Yaw Have 2 Hear This Show, Show #4 Matter Of Fact Let Me See If I Can UpLoad It. Hahahaha!!!!!!!!
Fresh Face Radio
Copy And Past
Here Is Part
Here Is Part 2
Pleas Listen And Discuss
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Young Nes July 4th 5.04 p.m

So,we (me, b black, and so debnair) go to the grey goose party over at Karma last night, shit was crazy for real. It was going all the way down. Drinks, women, just all out fun. Then somebody wants to get to drunk and go overboard. Make a long story short, a fight was the end result of our night. NOT GOOD. I technically can't even talk about what happened for real, because i don't know what happened. I mean, blame it on the alcohol i guess, but...... I still had fun though. So i guess that's all that mattered.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Good Mornings/Afternoon With So DebNAir

Good evening out there 2 the couple if any people out there are even reading this blog on such a fresh day. Alots going through my mind 2day from a couple situations that I have witnessed this week. Exactly what do women value in life is something I asked my self this morning. As a witness to thee events that occued I just really don't see my self getting b ack in a relationship anytime soon because I don't miss none of that shit. People in 2009 don't know how 2 apprciate something good they have in they lives. I feel like I'm in the place in my life where I know I can't handle a relationship I have a career in front of me that is very time cosuming. Is that selfish of me? Ladies would u want a man to be honest to u and tell u he couldn't handle a relationship or would u want him 2 try eventhough he knows he don't really have time, space, or energy for u. Although I could see the argument she could help me take some of the load off my back. But then she could also drop another load on me which could hold me back. I see a lot of niggas I know but they ass for their girl and they familys and it turns around and bites them in the ass. I would wrather save my self the drama, and time, time is very valuble and should not be waisted. I don't think I am lookin for anything because I know miss right is in front of my face and if its ment 2 be we will be 2gether one of these days. Its just like that Searious Add song "I'm so in love with thee IDEA so in love with thee IDEA but my IDEA is u, I'm so in love with u but miss lead cause the only life I have with u is in my head."
Love is fresh, fresh is love
So DebNAir
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Good Mornings With So DebNAir

Aight so I'm on my journey around columbus on the bus in less than 24 hours lol. Woke up this morning @ 9 freshened my stank breath. And out the door I was, I went by the corner store and grabbed a fresh white v neck. Then walked dowwn to finish line 2 grab my pumas and put something nice away for me. Lol ain't nothing worng with a little layaway. But I got 1 thing on my check list done let's see how many I can get done 2day.
Birth Certificate
Hair Cut
FlyPaper Meeting
Well there is my check list for the day I'm getting off the bus now.
I am so fresh, fresh is so me.
So DebNAir
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
So DebNAir: Thought For The Days

Aight so the show was straight for the most part. We gave away some tickets to a party and we talked with out twitter folfs. We are on the right track just need 2 have a lil bit more prep, three niggas with a plan that's something you can't stop. Sometimes I wish the shit would happen faster but I guess the leasson for 2 day would be patientce. Cause just as fast as u can get it, it could be taken away. Be humble don't let anybody get in your way of success, that's one thing I will stive for, I'm talkin no food, no drink, no new clothes, no new sneeks, just me and my career. We gotta review this show 2night, I gotta meeting tomorrow night, meeting with Fresh Face, get me some shoes and a shirt for this photo shoot Friday or Saturday, plus my hair cut. Talk about a full day, well it sounds like my nightly coffee and my black and mild is here so let the show begin.
Get fresh, stay fresh, I'm so fresh
So DebNAir
Wednesday Already?!?!?!

What’s up my blogging friends, its ya boy you see everywhere WOW!!! I can’t believe its show day already, after a LONG weekend then into a week with long days and short nights. Thank you Toledo, OH for coming out and showing luv at the GREENE and BLACK affair on Friday night! Then it was off to Bowling Green, OH for a cookout and pool party ALL DAY Saturday. O yea I had a great time in Cincinnati on Sunday, I’ll be back yall for some more good times in the nasty!! Then I blinked and it was Wednesday lol. Aside from all of that I’d to say ‘THANK YOU!’ to everybody on facebook and twitter who have been keeping us busy with submitting questions, comments, concerns and songs. It’s greatly appreciated. MAKE SURE YOU LISTEN LIVE @ UNDERGROUNDCOLUMBUS.COM
Good Morning Once Again

Aight So Its A Brand New Day July 1st 2009, And OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its Show Day. We Have Alot To Talk About During ToDays Show. Twitter And Face Book Have Been Really Showing Us Love. I Never Knew How Much Time And Effort Goes Into Putting Together A Radio Show. I Though They Just Go On Air And Talk Shit For, 4 Hours And Went On About There Day. But Its Bigger Than That, Because Your Listeners Really Have Alot Of Control Over Your Show. If They Are Not Feeling In They Will Let You Know. Lucky Us, Cause We Haven't Had That Problem. Big Ups 2 Nes Wordz And BBlack They Really Keep Me On My Toes,
Nes Wordz: Thats My Dude He Always Has Words Of Wisdom For EveryBody. Alot Of Times I Feel Like Thats My Damn Brother LOL. I Cant Help But To Feel Like, When That Nigga Go Through Shit, I Go Through Shit. And Although We May Walk On Different Sides Of The Train Track Right Now. I Know He Is On His Way To My Side Of The Track And I Just Want To Make Sure He Not Only Graduates But Come Outta There Like Me If Not Better. Its Weird Cause We Haven't Known Each Other That Long But I Feel Like I Known This Nigga My Whole Life LOL.
BBlack: LOL My Twin, Naw But Me And BBlack Are So Much A Damn Alike Its Scary To Me Some Times. I Thought I Was Cool And Laid Back NO!!! That Nigga Is Cool And Laid Back Through Any Situation. *Side Bar: Hows That Morning Coffee* OK Im Back LOL. But This Guy Puts Alot On His Shoulders And I See It Helping Him/Us In The Future Because This Business Is Like That. But I Don't Want Him 2 Get Burnt Out From It. And BBlack "Like Nes Wordz" Is Also Like My Brother Because That Nigga Will Literally Give You The Shirt Off His Back If You Need It.
Enough Of The Sappy Shit, Its Show Day So Let Me Get Ready Im Out.
Its Tyme For Somthing Fresh, Fresh Tyme It Is
So DebNAir
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